The portal is managed by the White Castle Franchisee to collect customer feedback about their product and services.

By taking part in White Castle Survey you can win two single sliders for free at your next purchase at White Castle.

In addition, you can avail many exciting offers mentioned in your White Castle receipt. However, there are many considerations you should stick to before participating in the White Castle Survey.

In this guide, I will share all the steps, rules, and requirements for the White Castle guest satisfaction Survey.

So, let’s get into more details…

White Castle Survey Requirements

White Castle is known for its tasty and savourly single sliders, these hamburgers and Cheezburgers come in plenty of combinations.

If you have visited a White Castle outlet, this is your golden chance to have a free dining experience by filling out the White Castle customer feedback survey.

Before hastily jumping into the steps to Win White Castle Coupon Code, you should be well aware of the necessary requirements for filling out the White Castle survey.

Below are the major prerequisites for taking part in the satisfaction survey at –

  • Your recent purchase receipt from White Castle with an invitation code.
  • The ability to read and understand either English or Spanish language.
  • A valid email id.
  • Access to a smart device like a tablet, phone, or laptop.
  • A decent internet connection.

The Official Rules of

Abiding by the White Castle survey rules is extremely necessary, or else you will not be able to avail of the gift coupon code on your next order.


  • Only those who are 18 years of age or above can access
  • You should be a legal resident of the 50 states of the USA
  • No White Castle employee, staff worker, associates and partners, or their family member can take part in the WC survey.
  • The White Castle Survey invitation receipt will expire after 3 days of the purchase.
  • You must use the Validation code within the next 30 days of taking the customer satisfaction survey.
  • You can use the 6-digit invitation code only once. 
  • The coupon code is non-transferable and will not be redeemed in exchange for cash or kind.
  • No responsibilities lie over White Castle, its partner, and employees in case the coupon code is misplaced or expired. 

White Castle Survey Steps

The most important part of the White Castle Survey is filling out the form. It has a user-friendly interface and will get over in just 5 minutes. This means you can have your ticket to free two single sliders as your next meal at White Castle. 

Follow the below steps to take White Castle survey at –

1. First, visit the official White Castle survey portal on your desktop or mobile at

2. Once the page loads, you will be prompted to select a preferred language between English and Spanish.

White Castle Survey Step 1
White Castle Survey Step 1

3. Next, you will have to feed in the 6-digit code from your purchase receipt in the text box and click on the next arrow to proceed.

Enter White Castle 6 Digit Survey Code
Enter White Castle 6 Digit Survey Code

4. Then, from the White Castle purchase receipt, fill in the 8-digit Sale number given on your receipt with the indication of Sale #.

 5. The last information that you need to provide is how often you eat from White Castle. After selecting the right option (Weekly, Monthly, Every once in a while, This is my first visit), click next to start the survey.

6. You will have to rate your experience in the White Castle Survey on a scale of 1 to 5 or strongly agree to strongly disagree. 

Give Ratings for White Castle Services
Give Ratings for White Castle Services

7. Once the survey is done, you will need to feed in your personal details like a 5-digit zip code, age, gender, and ethnicity. 

Note: You will also be asked whether you wish to join InMoment’s exclusive panel community, where you can earn rewards by filling out surveys for various brands.

8. Enter your name and a valid email address and submit your White Castle Free Hamburger Survey. 

After filling out the feedback form, will curate the gift coupon code for you. Remember to use the White Castle Survey Code within the next 30 days, or else it will expire.

WC Survey Rewards

At the end of the White Castle Survey, you will get a coupon code that can be redeemed for two single sliders from the White Castle Menu.

However, there might be cases where you will win other exciting offers instead of getting the free hamburger or cheeseburger. All the details will be available on your White Castle purchase receipts.

Hence, you must not throw away the invitation receipt after filling out the feedback form.

Also, note that you can only enjoy the reward if you revisit the White Castle outlet within the span of 30 days of completing the survey.

You will only get to enjoy one reward from one coupon code. However, there is no limit to the times you can fill out the satisfactory form at All you will need is to make multiple purchase receipts from White Castle, as each invitation receipt has a unique access code.

Useful details and links –

Wrap Up

That is all from my side about the portal and how to take the White Castle Survey. Now you can enjoy two single sliders for free and other offers as per the directions on your receipt.

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