Are you browsing internet on your new Apple Macbook and don’t know how to refresh a page or browser? No worries, here I will explain how to refresh on Mac step by step.

When Windows users shift to Mac, they may ask what the equivalent refresh button is on the Mac, as pressing F5 has a different function.

So, if you are confused, hope on to the next section of this article.

How Do You Refresh on a Mac?

On Mac, use Command+R (or cmd+r) to do a refresh. Of course, the majority of Mac web browsers are the same.

Follow the below steps to refresh on Mac

1. Hover your mouse over the curved arrow to the right of the address bar.

2. Hold down the Command+R key.

Keyboard Shortcut to Refresh on Mac
Keyboard Shortcut to Refresh on Mac

A simple refresh isn’t always enough to fix a web page that isn’t showing properly or displays outdated information. You should try a hard refresh in this scenario.

How to Hard Browser Refresh on Mac?

Press Command+Option+R to execute a hard refresh in Safari.

A hard browser refresh helps to clear the cache for a specific page, allowing it to load the most up-to-date version. This could be in the form of new scripts, styles, or features.

Although saving online pages to the browser’s cache speeds up page processing, it may mean that updates to a website aren’t visible until you execute a hard refresh.

After making updates to their website, many web developers are all too accustomed with a forced browser refresh. 

Where is the Refresh Button on Mac?

Most Mac browsers have a refresh button in their toolbar in addition to the cmd+r shortcut.

On a variety of Mac browsers, the refresh button is located as follows –

Safari – Right of the Address Bar

Google Chrome – Left of the Address Bar

Firefox – Left of the Address Bar

What does it Mean to “Refresh” on a Mac?

When we say “refresh” on a Mac, we’re talking about telling the page we’re on to reload. 

This operation is required in online browsers like Safari and Chrome and in apps that display content from a remote server. Apps like Music, App Store, Podcasts, and TV are some examples.

The primary reason to refresh is when content becomes stuck while loading the website or when you try to navigate between pages and nothing happens.

What should you do if Refreshing Fails?

Low speed or disconnection from a Wi-Fi network or broadband is the most common reason why refreshing fails.

So, view different pages in a web browser or use another device to load distant content, such as in a social network app, to check those.

Restart your Mac and try again if other devices on the same network operate.

Final Words

Mac has different keyboard shortcuts and functions keys than windows and hence it might create problem if you have just replaced your windows PC with Macbook or iMac.

If you don’t know how to refresh on Mac, then above are the exact steps you need to follow.

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