Pixelmon is a well-known mod for the popular video game Minecraft. You’ll need to understand how to craft and make Poke Balls in Minecraft Pixelmon if you want to catch Pokemon and live out your Ash fantasies.

After Minecraft’s 1.16 Nether Update, the most recent official release was made available!

We’ll go through how to make pokeballs in Pixelmon in this tutorial.

How do you Make a Hammer?

To make a hammer, follow the procedures below.

  1. To construct a hammer, you must first determine which resource to use. For example, stone, gold, and so on.
  2. Next, double-check that you have two sticks.
  3. You’ll need 5 units of the resource you’re going to use to build the head.
  4. Go to the 33% crafting menu now.
  5. Next, arrange the sticks in the following order: bottom middle block, middle row centre block, and top middle block.
  6. Place the resource materials in the following locations: Complete the top row by filling the remaining two spots in the middle row.

How to Craft an Anvil to Make and Craft Poke Balls in Pixelmon?

Follow the below steps to make Pixelmon Anvil and craft Poke Balls.

  1. You will receive 8x Iron Ingots. To obtain the Iron Ingots, you must first mine iron.
  2. After that, you can melt the Iron Ore down into Ingots in a blast furnace.
  3. Select a crafting table from your inventory.
  4. When you interact with it, you’ll be able to make an Anvil out of 8 Iron Ingots.
  5. Keep in mind that the crafting recipe is unique.
  6. Just remember to leave out the right-most block of the centre row when placing the 8 Iron Ingots.
  7. You now have an Anvil in your inventory, which you can use.

What is the Best Way to Make a Poke Ball?

The best ways to make Pokeball are as below –

  1. First and foremost, you must collect Apricorns.
  2. In Pixelmon, you’ll need Red Apricots to build the initial Poke Ball.
  3. To make Cooked Apricorns, you must now add the Apricorns to the Furnace.
  4. To manufacture the Poke Ball discs, place the 3 Cooked Apricorns in the centre row of the 3 x 3 Crafting Table.
  5. Then, on the top row of the 3 Crafting Menu, place three Aluminium/Iron Ingots to get Aluminium/Iron Discs.
  6. Now, one by one, set both coloured discs on the Anvil and flatter them with the hammer.
  7. You’ll need to reopen the Crafting Menu after you’ve done this.
  8. Place the red disc in the topmost row’s centre row, the stone button in the same column’s centre block, and the aluminium disc in the same column’s last block.
  9. You will now receive a Pokeball to add to your collection.

How do you Make Various Coloured Poke Balls?

To construct different types of Poke Balls in Pixelmon, simply swap out the upper disc. The remaining steps, however, are the same.

The recipes for the other colours are listed below –

PokeballColor Recipes
Dusk Ball DiscCooked Green Apricorn, Cooked Black Apricorn, Cooked Green Apricorn
Fast Ball DiscCooked Red Apricorn, Cooked Yellow Apricorn, Cooked Red Apricorn
Friend Ball DiscCooked Red Apricorn, Cooked Yellow Apricorn, Cooked Green Apricorn
Great Ball DiscCooked Blue Apricorn, Cooked Red Apricorn, Cooked Blue Apricorn
Heal Ball DiscCooked Blue Apricorn, Cooked Red Apricorn, Cooked Blue Apricorn
Dive Ball DiscCooked Blue Apricorn, Cooked Pink Apricorn, Cooked Blue Apricorn
Heavy Ball DiscCooked Blue Apricorn, Cooked Blue Apricorn, Cooked Blue Apricorn
Love Ball DiscCooked Pink Apricorn, Cooked Pink Apricorn, Cooked Pink Apricorn
Lure Ball DiscCooked Green Apricorn, Cooked Red Apricorn, Cooked Green Apricorn
Level Ball DiscCooked Yellow Apricorn, Cooked Red Apricorn, Cooked Black Apricorn
Luxury Ball DiscCooked White Apricorn, Cooked Red Apricorn, Cooked Black Apricorn
Nest Ball DiscCooked Green Apricorn, Cooked Yellow Apricorn, Cooked Green Apricorn
Poke Ball DiscCooked Red Apricorn, Cooked Red Apricorn, Cooked Red Apricorn
Net Ball DiscCooked Black Apricorn, Cooked Blue Apricorn, Cooked Black Apricorn
Premier Ball DiscCooked White Apricorn, Cooked Red Apricorn, Cooked White Apricorn
Moon Ball DiscCooked Blue Apricorn, Cooked Yellow Apricorn, Cooked Black Apricorn
Repeat Ball DiscCooked Red Apricorn, Cooked Black Apricorn, Cooked Red Apricorn
Quick Ball DiscCooked Blue Apricorn, Cooked Yellow Apricorn, Cooked Blue Apricorn
Safari Ball DiscCooked Green Apricorn, Cooked Green Apricorn, Cooked Yellow Apricorn
Sport Ball DiscCooked Red Apricorn, Cooked White Apricorn, Cooked Red Apricorn
Timer Ball DiscCooked Red Apricorn, Cooked Black Apricorn, Cooked White Apricorn
Ultra Ball DiscCooked Black Apricorn, Cooked Yellow Apricorn, Cooked Black Apricorn

Final Words

So, this was all about how to make pokeballs in Pixelmon. With the help of this article, you will be able to figure out some new tricks and tips that you can utilize in your game play.

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