In this very quick tutorial I will teach you how to make someone an editor on Twitch and what things an editor can do on Twitch.

So, without further a do let’s get into details.

Twitch was launched in the year 2011 as a gaming-focused spin-off for entertainment purpose. Twitch Interactive, the parent company, was purchased by Amazon in 2014 and since then it was developed into the go-to online destination for esports, game streaming and promoting other entertainment personalities.

You don’t need a Twitch profile to view most broadcasts, but if you want to stream for yourself or connect with networks, you’ll need one.

You will add to the conversation on certain streams, follow networks, and stream for no cost with a free version.

It’s important to note that joining a platform does not imply that you’ve subscribed to it.

There is a lot more to Twitch and that is what we are going to discuss about in this article.

Managing Roles for Your Twitch Channel

You can conveniently navigate your community’s positions on the Roles list. Editor, Moderator, and VIP are the three functions that can currently be included or deleted from users.

Editors can gain access to a channel’s dashboard and assist streamers with channel management by executing the following actions –

  • Stream information is being edited
  • Breaks for commercials
  • Video information is being edited
  • Video uploading
  • Reruns Have Begun
  • Past Broadcasts Can Be Downloaded
  • Clips can be reviewed, searched, sorted, and deleted (including in bulk)
  • Authorization for channel clipping

How to Make Someone an Editor on Twitch?

Twitch Roles
  1. Go to the dashboard to monitor the positions of your group members. From there, choose Group, then Roles Manager from the hamburger menu.
  2. You’ll see a list of everybody in your group who currently has a job on your channel (e.g., Editor, Moderator, or VIP).
  3. Click the Add New button in the top right corner to add or delete a role.
  4. You may also press the + button next to a user’s name in the list to assign a function to them if they already have one in your group.
  5. Simply press the x next to the position on their row to delete it from an actual person.
  6. Once you’ve chosen the individual, check or uncheck the roles you want to assign to them.

Other Twitch Roles


Moderators assist in the management of a streamer’s chat to ensure that it is safe, accommodating, and enjoyable by conducting the following tasks –

  • Users can be timed out or banned.
  • Slow, Subscriber-only, or Follower-only chat modes may be enabled.


VIPS are those who have been given special treatment.

VIPs are important members of a streamer’s society who receive a special badge.

By finishing the Build, a Community award (50 followers and 5 exclusive chatters) in a stream, streamers will earn 10 VIP slots.

With 20/30/40/50/60/80/100 badges available at 10/15/20/25/50/100/200 unique chatters, this continues to scale. The following acts are available to VIPs:

  • Slow, sub-only, or followers-only modes have little effect on chat.
  • Rate caps aren’t an issue while you’re chatting.
  • Even if links are blocked, post them in chat.

Wrapping it Up…

Before you would expect to build a substantial audience or make a significant amount of money on Twitch, you must first grasp the Twitch culture and how to use it properly.

Hope this quick rundown will help you to understand different Twitch roles for your channel members and how to make someone an editor on Twitch.

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